We welcome you to Submit your research work to be peer reviewed by experts International Aesthetics Meeting (IAM 2025) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from May 16th to 18th, 2025.
31 December 2024
Abstracts Deadline Extension
10 February 2025
Abstracts Presenter Announcement
20 February 2025
Abstracts Presenter Registration Deadline
- Please note if your Abstract is accepted you MUST confirm your participation by registering to the conference before 10 February 2025
IAM 2025 Scientific Committee invites individuals to submit abstracts for oral/poster/video presentations.
Abstracts must contain original scientific data collected by the author(s). All reports must be based on work that has already been completed. No studies "in progress" will be accepted. Any established research design or method may be used.
Language: All abstracts are to be written in English.
The Scientific Committee reserves the right to edit abstracts where the English structure makes comprehension difficult.
Word Limit: All Abstracts must be within a 600-word limit.
Submission: All abstracts must be submitted via the abstract portal on the website and should include the following:
- Title: The research title
- Author(s): Please provide the name(s), organization(s), position(s), address, phone number, fax number, email address.
- Presenter: Please provide a short biography about the presenter.
- Purpose: Research reports: What was the major reason for undertaking the project? Any secondary objectives?
- Methods: What principles, methods / methodological approaches, materials did you use?
- Results: What were the main findings from your analysis?
- Conclusion(s):
- What have you concluded from the study?
- What are your suggestions for future work?
- What are the implications of the project?
- How will the results be translated into physiotherapy practice / management/ education / policy?
- Ethical Approvals. (Not Applicable for Systematic Reviews): All experimental studies should be approved by at least one ethical committee. Please indicate the ethical committee/s that approved your research.
- Funding acknowledgements: Please acknowledge all funding sources that supported your work. If the work was unfunded, please state this.
- Publication/previous presentation/award(s): Please indicate if your work has been published or not, presented in a major conference prior to AAU 2024 or not, or if it has won any award or not.
You will be notified of receipt of your abstract by email. If you do not receive an email within two weeks of submittal or have any additional queries please contact, email:
- The Scientific Committee reserves the right to make the final decision about the abstract acceptance either to be presented as oral or poster and its scheduling into the program based on topics and time constraints.
- The language of the conference is English.
- All abstracts must be prepared using the abstracts submission guidelines.
- Each abstract submission must indicate if the material was published or presented in any prior conferences or if it received any awards.
- All presenters must register and pay the fees to attend the conference within the registration deadline of acceptance of the abstract and be present at the time of the conference. Failure to register for the conference will result in cancellation of the submission.
- A certificate of appreciation will be given to all the presenters to honor their presentation. This is in addition to the attendance certificate that is issued to all participants.
- Fee or payment of travel /living expenses or registration charges will NOT be provided and must be arranged by the participants. Payment and registration should be processed simultaneously within the registration deadline mentioned in your mail, of receiving acceptance of the notification.
For any assistance you may need, please contact